wearing a dress or gown that fits perfectly.

The year after my brother passed away, I spent arranging the house. One of the bedrooms has been converted for Denise's use alone. Nothing masculine is allowed in this room. The other bedroom is used for my male self. A few weeks ago I converted the bathroom and put in a pullman type wash basin and a larger mirror This allows more room for cosmetics, etc., and the well-lighted and larger mirror does wonders for me when I put on my make-up.

Time being my own now, and not having to make excuses for my actions, I do as I please. I have not met a TV yet that didn't try to find magazines, books or other articles about Transvestism. For many years there was nothing to be found on this subject except the very old copies of stories about D'Eon, and a few others like that. I suppose that I was no different than other Tvs, and I read them a hundred times over. I sought out the books in the public libraries, and in many book stores, but could not seem to find consol- ation there. One day I came across some "paper back" books published on the East Coast. They were of a flamboyant and somewhat pathetic type. Oc- casionally one of the sensational magazines would have an article and some pictures about a "female imper- sonator" or one of the "Christine" type of stories. I would buy these, needless to say, but somehow they all were wanting for something and left a void in me, so I kept on looking. One day a new magazine ap- peared on the shelves of a magazine store I went to often. The name of this magazine was "TRANSVESTIA" and I purchased it immediately, even though I had to pay an enflated price for it. I could not wait to get home and read it, and when I finally finished reading it I found that I was satisfied with it and was sure that it was what I had been looking for all these years. I found that the publisher's name and address had been obliterated with a greasy crayon. I scraped off most of the crayon and held it up close to a light bulb, and in this way I was able to read the name and address clear enough to learn the information I needed. I wrote to Chevalier Publications, and asked for all the information I could get on the magazine. Soon
